News Eien no Aselia English Patch 1.05


We’ve released version 1.05 of our Eien no Aselia patch. This patch fixes all the spelling and grammar errors reported in the 1.04 patch. Since very few new errors have been reported in the past few months, this will likely be our final Eien no Aselia patch release. The new patch can be found on our downloads page. It can be safely applied over any previous patch version. A big thanks to everyone who helped make this release as error-free as possible by posting on our forums.

In other news, those who enjoyed Eien no Aselia may be happy to hear that a translation project for the sequel, Seinarukana, has been started over at TLWiki. The game is being translated by NightEye159, who some may recognize from his previous translation work on the series. Dakkodango staff members Phlebas and Echomateria are helping out with the translation as well. The project is already off to a promising start. Eternity Sword fans are encouraged to go check it out.

22 Responses to “Eien no Aselia English Patch 1.05”

  1. Devil_bringer Says:

    AWESOME>>>WOW…………Thanks soooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!
    Better get back to studying for my final tomorrow!!

  2. Altzan Says:

    Yes, great news! I was hoping that someone would pick up the sequel.

  3. Yojimbo Says:

    Double Dose of good news!
    Thanks once again =)

  4. Happy Says:

    <3 <3 <3 and more <3s! Gooooooooooooooooooooooooo for it!

  5. Bobs Says:

    Epic. I had expected you guys to be well sick of translating by now 😀

  6. Aorii Says:

    I barely even noticed any spell/grammar errors, let along a new patch for it… wow you guys are thorough >.<-b
    And the new translation project is awesome news \o/

  7. Belgaesh Says:

    Excellent work Dakkodango!

    Not only translating the full game but also released over five versions of the patch. Such hard working goup have my thanks.

  8. Silver Says:

    Great! Thanks!

    Anyway, it’s not really a surprise that NightEye159 is working on it. I kept feeling that he would one day do that considering he translated most of the game on his blog already.

  9. deadguy Says:

    Hope the translation would be successful. TLWiki is getting some C&D’s lately

  10. Yamamoto Says:

    Njce work, Dakkodango!
    Btw, i’m so happy when see project Seinarukana in TLwiki. Hope everything gonna be ok

  11. crowbar Says:

    Thanks for this new translation patch! I’ve completed one run through the game with 1.04, and it will be nice to have this updated version for when I try out the other routes.

  12. MaverickHL Says:

    Excellent, I enjoyed the game thoroughly hope this future project will be even better, keep up the good work everyone.

  13. Xibi Says:

    I have download the patch (V1.05) and try to install it but I get the data corrupt message (it said an error occured while tring to copy a file: the source file is corrupted, please help me

  14. Tinbad Says:

    Anticipating Seinarukana’s translation with a foaming mouth and twitching eyes.

  15. UH Says:

    I don’t suppose this patch works for the original PC version?

  16. Naurlas Says:

    Keep up a good work !

  17. AppuruPie Says:

    Love u so much, dakkodango!!! lol
    what a great speed and effort…saiko desu!!! I hope that seinarukana also have its first patch soon…
    I can’t hardly wait for it…xD

  18. bunnyhanyou Says:



  19. Who Says:

    Thanks for the work!

  20. is it? Says:

    Is it going to have a trainer for this patch?

  21. gdi67 Says:

    Is it working with Original version?

  22. catgirl hunter Says:

    so im wondering will u guys also do teh 18++ version while at it??

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